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Seek Spinal Decompression for Sciatica

Written By Texas Spine & Sports Rehab Clinic on July 28, 2022

runner with sciatica

If sciatica pain is affecting your daily life, you may be experiencing reduced mobility, uncomfortable symptoms, and loss of functionality. When you’ve tried everything without success, we can help. Our professional spinal decompression treatments at Texas Spine & Sports Rehab Clinic can relieve your sciatica pain and improve your quality of life. 

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is pain that can shoot down the backs of your legs or thighs. The ailment is named after the sciatic nerve, which reaches from your SI joint all the way down to your knees. Sciatica pain can be sharp, stabbing, dull, or throbbing, making it challenging to endure. It generally affects just one side of the body, but can occur on both. In addition to chronic pain, other symptoms of sciatica can include numbness, muscle weakness, and tingling. 

What is spinal decompression? 

Spinal decompression is a completely non-invasive medical treatment that we offer as an alternative to going under the knife. The process uses a motorized traction table to carefully stretch the affected areas of your spine. The procedure lessens the tension on your spine, and removes any pressure on the sciatica nerve. Spinal decompression is totally safe and is an effective remedy for sciatica pain.  

How can spinal decompression treat my sciatica?

Many cases of sciatica, including pinched nerves and bulging discs, are a result of pressure on the spinal cord or surrounding nerves. Spinal decompression treatments ease the amount of force on your spine and give your vertebrae more room to spread out without pressing on the surrounding nerves or muscles. Patients suffering from herniated discs may also experience relief from disc pain in addition to sciatica pain, as spinal decompression gently eases the vertebrae back into their proper alignment. 

Schedule Your Spinal Decompression Appointment Today

If you’re searching for sciatica treatment, look no further. Our professional spinal decompression treatments at Texas Spine & Sports Rehab Clinic can help you reduce your sciatica pain and get back to doing what you love.

For more information on our chiropractic services or to schedule an appointment, call our team today or send us a message online.

Posted In: Chiropractic Herniated Disc Treatment Spinal Decompression Sciatica Treatment